Monday 27 June 2011

Birthday celebrations in London!

My Mum, Sister and I have just had the most amazing weekend in London!! Me and my sister Sarah, have been planning my Mum's surprise 60th birthday for months, we wanted it to be very girly and full of treats! The various carefully orchestrated surprises included, my Mums sister pouncing on us at Paddington Station, Pre-theatre drinks and dinner at one our favourite places in Covent garden, followed by the Lion King at the Lyceum Theatre, which was absolutely AMAZING! Then Sunday, we glammed up and headed to The Ritz for afternoon tea, which was absolutely beautiful, champagne, pastries, scones as light as a feather, cake, cake and more cake! All in all it was a fantastic weekend, with so many lovely memories. I won't put lots of photos of us with cocktails up on the blog, but I thought I'd share some of my London 'city' shots!

Happy BIG birthday to my lovely Mum!

Sunday 19 June 2011

hc photography loves.....

So you can get to know me a little better, I am going to share with you things that I love over the next few weeks. As it has just been my gorgeous husbands birthday it seems fitting that I start with Cake (and my husband obviously, but he may get a separate blog post if he's lucky!)

I can safely say, I'm a fan of the sweet stuff, cupcakes, pastries, macaroons, sweets, chocolate, it's safe to say...I'm not fussy! My latest tower of calories, was extremely gooey and nearly put the whole family into a food coma after eating a slice.... sign of a successful cake I think!


Saturday 18 June 2011

Are you planning a Quirky, DIY, Whimsical Wedding?!!

Then hopefully we have just found each other! I love photographing Weddings with character and individuality and I am currently looking for Brides & Grooms with a creative flair, quirky style & those who are planning beautifully themed weddings with a DIY and Whimsical feel to them!

I know this sounds very specific, but currently I am developing my portfolio to update my website and would love the opportunity to photograph some wonderful, original weddings.

So If this sounds like you, and you are looking for a Photographer then look no further....

As a thank you for booking, I am offering a FANTASTIC 50% discount on Photography Packages to all those quirky, stylish couples out there.

If this sounds like you and you fancy a chat to discuss your wedding further, please feel free to drop me a line on t: 07764 490 361 or

I am happy to cover Devon, Dorset & Hampshire areas.

Just to wet your appetite about the kind of style I would looooove to photograph, here's a small selection of some really gorgeous images I've spotted in Pinterest! Hopefully it will inspire you too!

I know a lot of them look like they are professionally styled, but the beauty of creating beautiful weddings like these is that they can be done yourself, with a little bit of imagination, the world is your oyster! It certainly makes me want to plan my wedding all over again!!